
Hi there! I am Dale Harness, a wedding photographer based out of Tallahassee and Tampa, Florida. Please stop by my main website to view my portfolio and learn more about my photography services. I can be reached at dh@daleharness.com or 850.445.2356.

I hope you enjoy browsing my most recent work below. Comments are welcome!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rhode Island

I was watching Dan in Real Life (set in Rhode Island) last night for the second time and noticed that the sky in one of the scenes looked exactly the way it looked one morning when I was visiting Newport about two years ago. Naturally, I needed to dig up the photo. The second photo has nothing to do with it other than being another favorite from my trip. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Christine and Stephen at the Herlong Mansion in Micanopy

Christine and Stephen are both such lovely people and their wedding was an absolute pleasure to be a part of. They have awesome taste and planned a creative and beautiful day, shared with their closest family and friends. If you have even the slightest interest in bed and breakfasts, be sure to check out the Herlong's website. It's amazing and I can't wait to stay there myself. I have driven past the sign for Micanopy countless times and had no idea that it is such a charming, hidden gem of a town. We had plenty of time after the reception to walk around in town (which consists of about three blocks) and I'm so glad that we did - we ended up with some great images. Enjoy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Christine and Stephen: A Preview

Okay, consider yourselves warned. The upcoming post with the rest of the images will be my longest yet. Fantastic couple, fantastic guests, fantastic venue. You get the idea...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The blog is alive!

I know, I know, this blog appears to be dead. But have no fear, all is well. To prove it, I’ll even post a photo! I hope everyone out there in web land had a lovely Earth Day yesterday...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Theresa and Leo: The Reception

Theresa and Leo were married in a private ceremony last year in the Caribbean. They held a traditional reception at Orange Blossom Catering in St. Pete for their friends and family a few weeks ago. I was lucky enough to already know many of the guests from Amanda and Matt’s wedding and I had a great time. I know, I know, it’s not all about me. Everyone else had a great time, too. There was soooo much laughing and smiling and I’m not kidding when I say that my cheeks still kind of hurt from making the slideshow, which is below.

Theresa and Leo, thanks so much for including me in your celebration!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Theresa and Leo: A Preview

Last week's wedding reception in St. Pete was lovely (and so much fun!). There was a threat of rain most of the day, but it stayed away long enough for us to do some great portraits outside. The image below caught my eye while editing and I just couldn't wait to post it here. More to come in a few days...

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I read quite a few blogs and I know I’m not alone in this pastime. I really began with photography blogs, but every once in a while I just need a break from all things photography. Or, as is the case right now, my favorite photographers are in the wedding off-season and don’t post very often.

So, what’s a girl to do? Turn to food, of course!! There are scores of food blogs out there – hundreds dedicated to every niche you can think of. So far, I’ve found a few that I really think are worth sharing. And here’s the nice thing – these blogs have lovely photos too. My two favorite things all wrapped up in neat little packages.

I started with Bitten, by Mark Bittman of the New York Times. He’s fantastic and cooks in a simple style that’s right up my alley. From there I discovered Orangette, which not only contains great recipes, but great writing and photography as well. Even though I’m not vegan, I do like trying new things. The photography on VeganYumYum is absolutely wonderful and is worth checking out even if (like me) you know you’ll never have enough will power to give up all things meat and dairy. Hmmm, cheese…

Below is my attempt at an oh-so-delicious apple cake type thing from a post on Orangette. It’s supposed to look that rustic, I swear!
